
Wear your Badges

What do badges do? Why wear them, either sewn or pinned?


Badges have been in the fashion game since our grandparent’s days and yet they’ve always been floating around and sitting on people of all age groups – all the way from toddlers with experimental parents through the young lot in their twenties to the much older grand pops and moms. They come in so many colours, styles, messages that there is one for everyone.

There are many badged shirts available but the external badges which can be pinned onto the Mufti denim trucker, the classic Harrington, the camouflage jackets or the entire Mufti jeans collection are really handy and resourceful.

The main question then might be that how should one choose which badge to put on the denim? Should one go for the funky bright coloured rebel badge, or settle for the soothing white and blue? Well, this question is really what will define your badged look and that’s why it’s so important to not follow any trend on this one but to create your own.

Do you like the punk look with ripped Mufti jeans? The funky badges are all yours. Or are you the sober Mufti shirts with indigo denim Mufti jeans type? Wear your smart style in your badges. 


In one line choose the badges according to the taste of your wardrobe. Head out to Mufti online store for trend defining fabrics. 

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